Mariia Romanova
Mariia Romanova finished her Master studies in the field of historical comparative studies and transitology (Russia-Poland) and her master thesis explored the "Specifics of the transformation of party systems in Poland and the USSR. 1988-1991" Her research interests include the study of economic and political reforms in the 20th century, particularly focusing on the era of restructuring in Russia and Central Eastern European countries, including Poland.
Mariia Romanova joined the Datarev team from November 15th as a PhD candidate.
She will work on SP3 and will investigate the business history of farm accounting techniques, including how the innovation was spread, what motivated its adoption or its refusal by farmers and what was the impact of managerial innovation on other innovations processes that took place at the same time, namely the spread of chemical fertilizers, new machines, hygenic norms, and genetic selection of races through nationwide registers.